lørdag 1. november 2014

sound footage from an airline carrier / disaster movie. Battleship or maybe Avengers
or RL news reports

News: "This large dome which has appeared over the skies of Hawaii appears to be source of this disaster. Reports are that a few seconds after the initial light hit them, navy crew members of the John C Stennis battlegroup were immediately effected. Reports of black patches growing rapidly on their skin and the crew were hit with nausea from what appears to be intense radiation. Not even the men below in the steel bulkheads had been spared, F-15 Eagle Fighter Jets that had been in the air near the dome had simply tumbled into the ocean immediately, as if their planes had simply lost power. There are no reports yet of survivors or anyone parachuting to safety. At current time there is a reported 4,590 missing or presumed dead from this disaster.

1:45-2:57 (First Verse)

People of Earth
You're going to die
Up there's the dome
emerged from the sky

2 worlds collide
but only one will survive
out pours radiation
from the equestrian nation

Even unicorn magic
results in something quite tragic
destroys all your technology
and tears apart your biology

But your fate is not the end
We came here as friends
In our dna is the cure
For your lives to endure

And We Are the Conversion Bureau
And We Are the Conversion Bureau

2:57-3:47 Post-Chorus

Celestia: “President Foster, Nothing can return the lives of those lost, but know that Equestria extends a hoof in friendship, to mend the wound that has marked the start of our two races’ co-existence. I hope that you will be willing to work with us to understand how our worlds came to meet and forge a brighter future together.”

3:47- 5:05 Riots in Rio

4:06-4:26 “This is CNN Breaking News; we now have live video from our reporters on the ground in Rio de Janeiro, where, as you can see, massive rioting has begun as the food shortages continue. A short statement from President Henriques was heard earlier, which denounced the rioters as supporters of the Devil’s minions, which we believe to mean Princess Celestia and the Equestrians. "

Celestia: "President Foster: We have to help." 

Riot Sound footage (ytube or more)

4:47 - 5:03 Breakdown 
Priest: “You understand why this must be done, yes? The merciful God in His wisdom put Man upon this earth to govern it and all that walk upon it. For another species to hold itself as Man’s equal is blasphemy against His will.” 

Miguel: “I… I understand Father. I will do as you ask.” (sound of a gun cocking)

5:05- 6:06 (2nd Verse)

We sense your distrust
Some see evil in us
But a change soon must come
You can put down your guns

Violence and division
Is a conscious decision
And its one we don't share
In either stallion or mare

Soon these riots will end
And we came here as friends
The serum's the cure
For your lives to endure

And We Are the Conversion Bureau
And We Are the Conversion Bureau

6:06-6:45 Post Chorus

6:26-Celestia: “I just received a letter from Twilight Sparkle and her team. Despite their best efforts it appears there is no way to integrate magic and technology. If exposed to any significant amount it either shuts down or overloads. Wait what's the matter.

6:38 -6:48 Foster: “ “it appears there’s a much bigger problem than we thought. Thaumatic radiation is not only appearing more and more often around the world, it’s also pouring out of the Dome. In eight weeks it will reach Hawaii. Celestia it's expanding”

6:45-7:37 New Bridge

7:15-7:37 Dr. Ross. “I'll need to run more tests to confirm this, but I’d hazard a guess that this unique third strand in equestrian DNA, that glow is in fact thaumatic energy. Therefore, this strand here is what allows you to coexist and interact with the energy that permeates your world.If we can figure out how to replicate this strand, then we may be able to create something to allow humans to at least survive in the presence of magic.”

7:37-7:59 Bridge section

7:37-7:46 Twilight: “We tried exposing a sample of human blood cells with our DNA added to magic, but when we looked at the sample… it was our DNA. All the cells looked like they had just been collected from any one of us. If I understand it right, through this process the human DNA would change to be pony DNA,"

7:46 Guitar Lead Part comes in 

7:59-8:20 All instrumental

8:20-40 Celestia: “If we go through with this, it will be offered to them as a choice. There may yet be a means to allow the humans to survive. We cannot force that change upon them. They are living creatures, and above all, they must be allowed a choice.”

8:40-9:00 Chorus 3

9:00-9:50 Bridge (do a Korn-ish rap to the music ---Boom.... chick a wakakaka from 9:11-40)

9:50-10:10 Chorus 4

10:10-11:00 The choice
Miguel (or anyone) : "I sit here with 3 decisions. I can fight this alien race that emerged at the beginning of this disaster. The ones that walk on four legs and offer to help. .I can wait it out and watch as one world cancels out the other, and human existence is wiped out from this planet by this unstoppable event. Or I can choose conversion and join their ranks, change my very form, and perhaps even my personality to survive. The choice is mine."

onsdag 11. september 2013

Rainbow Dash Kicks Geoffrey in the Face

Rainbow Dash Kicks Geoffrey in the Face


Geoffrey was admiring his kill. The victim, a young girl from one of the city's many brothels, was strung up like a butchered pig by his bed. A description fitting of one such as her, he pondered. Her lifeless body pierced by innumerable arrows, fired with great accuracy from the young king's crossbow, was a ghastly sight and would have made even the most hardened warrior cringe in discomfort.

A sane man would have wondered what kind of depraved being would commit such an act of cruelty, deliberately avoiding any vital organs with each and every bolt but one. A sane man would have wondered how long the poor girl had to suffer at the hands of this sick bastard. A slightly disturbed person might wonder how he managed to string her up by himself, being as unfit and lacking in strength as only the truly pampered could be. A more depraved person would wonder if he had fucked her before the torture began, and if this was his way of experimenting in the bedroom.

Geoffrey Lannister was none of these persons. He didn't wonder about anything, merely smiling with a look of pure satisfaction in his eyes. Pleased with his work, and the rush of endorphins it had provided, he stood up, crossbow still in hand. The weight of it made it uncomfortable to keep hold of, so he walked over to one of the room's corners and placed it on the floor, taking great care as to not damage his most beloved possession.

As he turned around, he saw something out of the corner of his eye. He quickly turned to look, but it was gone, a soft gust of air betraying it as not a figment of his imagination, but something actually in the room with him. A tingling sensation of fear crept up the king's spine. Noone was allowed in his room, not even his mother. He was just about to open his mouth to ask who was there, when he heard a low rumbling noise originating from somewhere behind him. The sound was akin to an angry dog and it was close. He spun around to face the intruder, only to be greeted by the blinding sensation of a hind leg hitting him in the face.

Geoffrey reared backwards, as the force almost toppled him. He was in pain. He was NEVER in pain. Something was wrong, how could the body process something like this? His right hand had automatically gone for his attacked face, clenching his cheek. He could already feel the blood rush to the damaged area, swelling the skin. The heat felt almost like his cheek was on fire.

He managed to open his eyes, his sight blurred from tears and shock alike. Before him stood the most impossible of creatures. It had the shape of a small pony, but with feathered wings attached to its back. A Pegasus. A fantastic creature of legends, alive and real, right in front of him. His confusion grew to even wilder levels as the details of this incredible beast became clear to him. The coat was of a clear cerulean blue, its mane and tail the colors of the rainbow. The eyes, almost magenta in hue, were narrowed and its teeth were bared in an almost human expression of severe anger.

The young king would have wondered about many things. How was this creature here, where did it come from? How was it able to enter his room without anyone noticing, why was it blue? Why did it come to his room and, most importantly, why was it attacking him? Unfortunately for the blonde one, he didn't have time to ask any questions as the rainbow-colored Pegasus flapped its wings, and in one graceful movement rose to eye level, turned around and delivered a second blow to his facial region.

The blow sent Geoffrey backwards, toppling him backwards over a chair. The unlucky furniture broke as the spoiled rear end of a young boy struck, and pathetically joined it on the floor, sending broken wood splinters in every direction. Surely someone must have heard that. There were two guards stationed outside his bedroom door at all times. Why didn't they come to his rescue? Under normal circumstances, Geoffrey wouldn't have hesitated to have them tortured to death for their incompetence, but this was no ordinary circumstance, and his mind was occupied at the moment.

Pain. More pain. How could anything hurt more than the previous blow? White-hot, blinding, unbelievable. This had to be witchcraft, never in his life had he imagined such a sensation could exist. Combined with the fear and confusion at his assailant, the pain had readied a unique canvas on which the coming events were to unfold. 

Both his hands were now busy cradling his face, blood spilling from the resulting cut. He couldn't move, couldn't breathe. Just lie on the floor, nursing his injuries as the sound of hooves clopped slowly towards him.

He didn't question how it was possible, how this clearly equine being could pick him up with no hands. Why it would lift him by his shirt and stare into his eyes, as if to trying to tell him something. All he felt was pain and desperation. And unspeakable terror. The Pegasus let go of him, letting gravity bring him back down to solid ground. His legs could no longer support him and he limply sat down. He raised his gaze and was just able to make out the shape of a hoof coming towards him. The adrenaline had blessed him with reaction, and he quickly raised his right arm to block, to mitigate the damage that would be done.

The sickening sound of bone cracking pierced the air, as the splinters of his radius pierced his skin. The bone pipes, being confronted by the might of physics, had given way under the tremendous force directed at them. He screamed. An unholy scream of terror and agony. It resonated in his Armour, vibrated of the many mirrors. A scream like that would have been heard miles away. Surely, someone would come to his aid. But none did. He was alone, helplessly under attack by an angry mare with wings on her back and rainbows in her mane. For how long would he suffer this beating, for how long would this... this thing keep on.  

torsdag 26. november 2009

Sushikokken Skriver Skandaløse Skrifttegn!!

Skvetten i skrevet, nå er det lenge siden jeg har postet noe her. Og gjett om jeg har fått høre det. Folk har ikke akkurat rent ned døra mi i håp om at jeg skal sprette posen med godsaker som er livet mitt, men når jeg en dag sjekker Facebook-inboxen min og har tre meldinger ifra folk som lurer på hvor bloggen min har blitt av, er det kanskje på tide at jeg gjør noe med det.

Sannheten er at jeg har vært rimelig opptatt på jobb, med fulle 40-timers uker, sosialt liv og WoW. Dette etterlater ikke veldig mye tid til blogging. Når sant skal sies har det sosiale livet mitt dalt litt som følge av jobben, et fellestrekk alle i denne bransjen bærer på nakken.

Men vi kan jo starte med så langt tilbake som jeg gidder å huske, nemlig Helldorado! Som jeg ikke husker veldig mye av.... Tredagersfylla kan frarøve minnet til selv den mest drevne dranker, men i mitt tilfelle var situasjonen av litt mindre spennende art. Jeg bestemte meg for å åpne en liten B&B under festivalen, og inviterte dermed en blondine med D-Cup ifra Oslo til å bo hos meg. Problemet var at hun ikke hadde fylt 20 og trøbbel i døra på Fredag gjorde at hun forsvant sporløst og jeg ble nødt til å stikke av for lete henne opp. Lørdagen var jeg tilstede under det meste av kvelden, men Tequila = Large Hadron Collider i for store mengder og det er vel egentlig alt jeg kan si om den kvelden. Neste år skal jeg ikke leke barnevakt igjen, for å si det sånn. Med mindre vedkommende er VELDIG overbevisende, skal sies....

En liten tid etter forenevnte episode skjedde det ingen skulle tro. En hendelse så rystende og uforutsett at det går gjetord om det i Kongehuset enda. Kvinner rev seg i håret, hunder nektet å spise maten sin og fedre kunne endelig puste lettet ut: Vegard takket nei til trekant i fylla, siden han nettopp har blitt utilgjengelig på singelmarkedet.

Og timingen kunne ikke vært bedre, for husverten jeg hadde før bestemte seg plutselig for å heller gi bort leiligheten til slektninger, enn å la meg overta kontrakten, som egentlig var avtalen. Den spennende tvisten i denne fortellingen er at han sa ifra om den nye planen 12. September. Hvilket gav meg litt i overkant av to uker på å finne et nytt sted. Så jeg tror nå jeg har satt ny rekord i å flytte sammen med kjæresten.

Leiligheten er absolutt ikke ille, men jeg savner kongekåken min, med digert kjøkken, adskilte soverom, flere etasjer, stor stue og ingen røykelov innomhus. Her har vi nå fått forbud mot å røyke i bakgården. Så jeg klatrer opp på taket istedet og roper svenske one-liners etter bussene i Prinsenkrysset.

Og det var vel egentlig alt spennende jeg hadde å dele med dere i dag. Det kan nevnes i tillegg at jobben går fint, håret gror jevnt og jeg har kjøpt meg nye sko. Og klarte å knuse langfingerknoken min i forgårs, noe som gjør det litt mer spennende enn vanlig å klemme fisk i 9 timer. Kos dere med vinteren og pass dere for Julenissen. Han på torget er muligens pedofil...